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  • If you get an error on any page reading something like Table smw_relations doesn't exist or Table smw_attributes doesn't exist, it means you haven't installed, or haven't finished installing, the Semantic MediaWiki extension. If you've set up the SMW code and added the right lines to LocalSettings.php, probably all you need to do is create the new semantic database tables - go to Special:SMWAdmin and press the button.
  • To get rid of the semantic factbox that appears at the bottom of most pages, add the following line to your LocalSettings.php file: "$smwgShowFactbox = SMW_FACTBOX_HIDDEN;"
  • To get rid of the error image that appears for property values that are supposedly incorrect, add the following line to your LocalSettings.php file: "$smwgInlineErrors = false;"
  • If one or more of your fields can contain internal links entered by users (e.g., "This is a [[cat]]"), and you want those fields to be saved correctly by SMW, add the following line to your LocalSettings.php file, under the inclusion of SMW: "$smwgLinksInValues = true;"
  • For versions of Semantic MediaWiki before 1.2, if you change the names of any semantic properties within a template, that data is not refreshed in pages that use that template until those pages are re-saved. This can be fixed by either upgrading to the latest version of SMW.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. November 2010 um 16:01 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 1.495-mal abgerufen.