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Below are a few guidelines for using Semantic Forms:

  1. Figure out your data structure first.
    • What types of pages will the site have?
    • What data will be contained on each one?
    It's good to have a starting plan.
  2. Create properties.
  3. Create templates.
  4. Create forms.
  5. Create categories.
  6. Enable links to forms. Besides creating categories that have a default form, there are other steps which you can take to enable the users access the forms that you have created. These include:
    • Adding links to add data in the sidebar and elsewhere,
    • Setting default forms and alternate forms on properties,
    • Making links to nonexistent pages appear in read and consequently pointing to the forms which may be used to create such pages.
    These actions are all explained further below.
  7. Adding data. You should also add data to the site, using your new forms, to make sure that forms, templates and categories are working the way you want them to.
  8. Adding links on sidebar and elsewhere. The sidebar, which can be edited from the "Me-diaWiki:Sidebar" page inEnglish-language wikis, should also have links which are used to add each of the data types and to the categories for each of these data types. You may also include such links on the main page and elsewhere.
  9. Customizing. Once the structure is in place, you can customize all you want by changing the look-and-feel of the entire wiki by:
    • setting up the various templates, and forms,
    • adding and changing fields,
    • adding and changing inline queries.

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